Sunday 21 April 2013

Nature Walk

It was such a beautiful day here yesterday so, after doing the chores around the house and planting up  some seeds in the greenhouse, I took Beanie on a glorious walk in the sunshine. The photos follow our path from the house in a circular walk back home again - a bit of a nature trail.

First of all, a little lamb sleeping on our back doorstep. I'm supposing the step was nice and warm from the sun!
Then past the goose, which usually makes great hissing noises when Beanie and me walk by....
.... and on past the old railway bridge with the horses, ....
...past the ducks in the stream ...
... and the hens in the field....
.... through the wood....
..... along the lane, with primroses in the banks ....
... then past lots of sheep and lambs in the fields.
This slightly older lamb exploring the hay rack 'who me?'
This adorable lamb asleep in the sun.....
....and this one sunning itself.
I stopped to look at the view from the lane ....
...and then turned along another lane and looked to the view of our local fell ....
... and Beanie stopped for a drink in the stream.
More chickens at my friend A's farm...
.... then back to our garden with cherry blossom (and blue sky!)....
and bright daisy blooms by the front door.
The sun was so warm on my face, it was lovely - I really think spring has arrived now. 


  1. More cute pictures please, it's getting me through the dissertation.

    1. Well, anytime you need a break just join me on the walk through the pictures:) Keep up the good work.
